To begin your session, press the Start button on the mobile app. A countdown timer will be displayed to track the progress of your session.

Throughout the 24 hours during which the session is undergoing:

  • Do not turn off the chest-patch.
  • Do not turn off your phone’s Bluetooth connection (also location services for android users).
  • Do not turn off your phone’s data connection or turn Flight mode on.

In cases where your chest-patch is disconnected from your phone, all measurements will be stored internally on your chest-patch until the connection is regained.

Initializing a session

IOS users

Do not close the app using the app manager.

If your iPhone is turned off or restarted, relaunch the Biobeat 24BP app to continue recording your measurements.

Android Users

A notification displaying your progress will show while your session is undergoing. This progress bar indicates that the app is running correctly in the phone’s background.


Note, some mobile phone manufacturers will automatically turn off applications in the background to optimize the phone’s battery life. This is common in some phone brands such as Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo, Huawei, Redmi, Realme, and OnePlus. To use the Biobeat 24BP app, ensure no battery optimization is selected in the Android Biobeat 24BP app settings.

This is usually found under Android settings > apps > Biobeat 24BP > “Battery” or “Battery optimization.”

For more information and specific instructions, visit

Terminating the session

Twenty-four hours after starting the session, a notification message will appear indicating that the session is done.

If no notification automatically appears after 24 hours, launch the Biobeat 24BP app and ensure the app completed the session successfully.

Log your sleep time

To generate your 24BP report, you will need to enter your sleep time. This information can give you and your physician a better understanding of how your blood pressure varies during nighttime vs. daytime.

Removing the chest-patch

Remove the chest-patch by peeling off the adhesive unit. 

Turning off the chest-patch

To turn off the device, hold the power button for three seconds and release it.  After removing your chest-patch, you may dispose of it.