Account Creation

Open the application, and click on the "Let's start" button to begin the process.

Provide Account Credentials

If this is your first login into the 24B, insert your email address and set a new password in the set fields. Please verify the set password length is at least 8-characters,  consists of both upper and lower case letters, and at least a single special case character.

Please use the dropdown button to select the country of residence.

Click 'Confirm' to proceed.

Verify Email Address

A verification email has been sent to your email address once the 'Confirm' button is pressed.

Please enter the verification code in the designated field.

Didn't receive an email? Click on the 'Resend verification code' link.


If you have already created an account, click on the 'Log-in' button located underneath the 'Let's start' button.

Enter your email address and password to log in.

Viewing Your Report History

The report history feature will allow you to access your reports history.

Click on the download symbol to download the report onto your device.

Starting a New Session

Clicking on the 'Start a new session' button will begin a new 24BP measurement session.

Reset Your Password

If you have forgotten your account's password, click on the 'I forgot my password' button located at the bottom of the screen. A verification email will be sent to your email.

Once the verification code has been provided, you will be required to create a new password.